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Entwickler Evan Thacker

An App to keep up with marketing technology blogger, Evan Thacker, and to book appointments with him for Inbound Marketing. The App allows you easy access to his website, social media, blog, contact information, credentials and past projects. The App also features easy links to Thackers Virtual Reality and 360 video collection on the web. Augmented Reality and more interactive features will be available soon, in order for customers and clients to stay up-to-date on the marketing and technology world.

In Evan Thackers own words, "I am an entrepreneurial spirit, a lover of inbound digital marketing campaigns and a believer in doing the impossible. My name is Evan Thacker and I am a computer scientist turned digital marketer. At age 13, I picked up a book on designing websites and read underneath my history book in class. I started to program and build websites in the early 2000s. I began to read more and more about programming, but I never had a good idea for a website. Instead, I started to do both paid and unpaid freelance work for friends and family.

Step forward a few years, I graduate high school, build my own computers, major in mechanical engineering and go to the only school in the US with NASA on campus. Ironically, NASA shuts its doors on campus that year and I decide to take a journalism class.

The professor wants to start the first digital magazine for the school and print publications are struggling to survive. I show up to the meeting taking over social media management and helped found the Outdoors section of the magazine. The magazine becomes self supporting and I get noticed for my interactive articles by the dean.

I transfer to the University of Nevada-Reno, which has one of the best journalism schools in the country. I lose a student government election and decide to help found a fraternity. Little did I know, this event would start me on the path of helping manage 30 clubs/organizations that eventually, led me to know public relations professors in the journalism school. After some prodding by friends, I decided to minor in Entrepreneurship and Business Development.

I worked as a digital marketing account executive for big data and technology service companies. After I left big data and IT behind, I kept exploring and combining technology with business development and marketing. Today, I help organizations everyday keep up-to-date with technology and marketing as they combined into the new industry of MarTech!"